The Walking Dead TWD is a popular franchise series themed on horror survival adventures of various characters like Abraham, Beta, Beale, Carol Peletire, Daryl Dixon, Jesus, Matthew, Morgan, Tara etc based on the comic book created by Robert Kirkman. During the course of their survival, each character had its own set of props including melee props like knives, swords, spears, staffs, shields and axe etc. At HS Blades ENT. (HSBE), we forge a vast variety of exquisitely high quality TWD knives (incl. Daryl Knives, Carol Knife, Beta Knife, Matthew Knife, Dakota Knife, Daniel's Folding Straight Razor, David's Pipe Knife, Imani Knife, Matthew's Knife, Roadie Knife, Tylor's Throwing Knife, Young Min Knives etc), TWD swords (incl. Ajax Sword, Beale Sword, Jesus Sword, Abraham Sword, Tara Sword, Dario's Sword, Michonne's Katana, Miho's Naginata, Ezekiel's Sword, Judith's Katana, Lady Z's Sword, Strand's Sword, Tara's Sword, Wangfa's Sword), TWD axes (Abraham's Tomahawk Axe, Clementine's Fire Axe, Elton's Axe, Emile's Battle Axe, Eric's Fire Axe, Fynn's Battle Axe, Jerry's Battle Axe, Lee's Fire Axe, Mercer's Axes, Reynaldo's Battle Axe, Lee's Hatchet, Brody's Hammer, Han's Tire Hammer, Javier's Hammer, Lyle's Hammer, Madison's Hammer, Magna's Warhmmaer, R's Concrete Hammer, Tyreese's Hammer), TWD Shields (Axel's Shield, Cameron's Shield, Circuit's Shield, Kingston's Shield, Morgan's Shield, Oliver's Shield, Sarah's Shield, Shane's Shield, Souta's Shield) and various other props. These props are forged for cosplay as well as demonstrations. Thus, functional props are also available at HS Blades ENT. Further, customizations and custom orders are also accepted. If you cannot find an item, please reach us through our 24/7 Live Chat Support or email us your queries with item name/picture. For any other queries and questions, please feel free to contact us through the above channels or through contact tab or on our social media accounts. Link to some FAQs is given in the footer.

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