Kung Fu Panda is one of the most popular series among the kids since its inception in 2008. The series consists of many sequels and each revolves around a new chapter of Dragon Warrior Po's struggles. Numerous props are used throughout the series which includes 

Mystical Dagger Knife, Ninja Swords, Oogway Staff, Shifu's Staff, Kai Sword, Po Knife and many more. HS Blades ENT brings the reincarnation of these props in their full scale as well as Kids Special versions while keeping unmatched precision in preserving and transplanting the original essence of these props. Further, customizations and custom orders are also accepted. If you cannot find an item, please reach us through our 24/7 Live Chat Support or email us your queries with item name/picture. For any other queries and questions, please feel free to contact us through the above channels or through contact tab or on our social media accounts. Link to some FAQs is given in the footer.

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