Walking Dead franchise is a popular horror-survival series based on the comic book created by Robert Kirkman. The series became an instant hit which lead to a television history over of a decade long time. This knife, also known as Carol's Knuckle Knife is inspired from The Walking Dead. HS Blades ENT. (HSBE) presents an ultimate experience to reincarnate the charisma of TWD with Carol Peletier Knife starting from just $69. This knife is 10in long with a steel blade forged from various high quality steels like carbon steel, spring steel, damascus, d2 and many more. While these steels are optimal for practical use, our skillful bladesmiths ensured the aesthetic beauty of the knife. To offer a purely decorative replica which a user can carry to convocations and cosplay celebrations, we offered display version of this knife too that is blunt & untempered. The unique feature of this knife is its knuckle handle which features micarta on it. Besides, this full tang Daryl Dixon knife also comes with a finely crafted leather sheath that not only provides safety, but also ensures provision of aesthetic exquisity for the knife.
Stainless Steel,
Carbon Steel,
Spring Steel,
Japanese High Carbon Steel,
Ultra High Carbon Steel,
Japanese SKD11 Steel
8Cr13 Steel The Walking Dead Daryl Carol Bowie Knife with Sheath-TWD Knife
Carbon Steel The Walking Dead Clip Point of Carol Peletier with Sheath-TWD Props
420J2 Steel The Walking Dead Carol Tanto Knife of Peletier-TWD Replica Knives
Damascus The Walking Dead Carol Peletier Knife with Sheath-TWD Metal Knives
D2 Steel The Walking Dead Carol Knuckle Knife with Sheath-TWD Real Knives
440C Steel Carol Knife of Carol Peletier from The Walking Dead-TWD Replica Knife
Spring Steel Carol Knife of Carol Peletier from The Walking Dead-TWD Custom Knife
Japanese High Carbon Steel Carol Peletier Knife-TWD Knives
Ultra High Carbon Steel Carol Knife of Carol Peletier from The Walking Dead-TWD Knives
Japanese SKD11 Steel Carol Knife of Carol Peletier from The Walking Dead-TWD Knives
Functional Carol Knife of Carol Peletier from The Walking Dead-TWD Knives
Full Tang The Walking Dead Knife of Carol Peletier with Sheath-TWD Knives
Battle Ready Carol Knife of Carol Peletier from The Walking Dead-TWD Knives
Handmade Carol Knife of Carol Peletier from The Walking Dead-TWD Knives
Hand Forged Carol Knife of Carol Peletier from The Walking Dead-TWD Knives
Real Carol Knife of Carol Peletier from The Walking Dead-TWD Knives
8Cr13 Steel Camping Knife with Sheath
Carbon Steel Camping Knife with Sheath
420J2 Steel Camping Knife with Sheath
Damascus Steel Camping Knife with Sheath
D2 Steel Camping Knife with Sheath
440C Steel Camping Knife with Sheath
Spring Steel Camping Knife with Sheath
Japanese High Carbon Steel Camping Knife with Sheath
Ultra High Carbon Steel Camping Knife with Sheath
Japanese SKD11 Steel Camping Knife with Sheath
Functional Camping Knife with Sheath
Full Tang Camping Knife with Sheath
Battle Ready Camping Knife with Sheath
Handmade Camping Knife with Sheath
Hand Forged Camping Knife with Sheath
Real Camping Knife with Sheath
8Cr13 Steel Bowie Knife with Sheath & Stand
Carbon Steel Bowie Knife with Sheath & Stand
420J2 Steel Bowie Knife with Sheath & Stand
Damascus Steel Bowie Knife with Sheath & Stand
D2 Steel Bowie Knife with Sheath & Stand
440C Steel Bowie Knife with Sheath & Stand
Spring Steel Bowie Knife with Sheath & Stand
Japanese High Carbon Steel Bowie Knife with Sheath & Stand
Ultra High Carbon Steel Bowie Knife with Sheath & Stand
Japanese SKD11 Steel Bowie Knife with Sheath & Stand
Functional Bowie Knife with Sheath & Stand
Full Tang Bowie Knife with Sheath & Stand
Battle Ready Bowie Knife with Sheath & Stand
Handmade Bowie Knife with Sheath & Stand
Hand Forged Bowie Knife with Sheath & Stand
Real Bowie Knife with Sheath & Stand
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