Gladiator movie revolves around the life events of a general turned gladiator Maximus Decimus Meridius, who is betrayed when Commodus, the ambitious son of Emperor Marcus Aurelius, murders his father and seizes the throne. Reduced to slavery, Maximus becomes a gladiator and rises through the ranks of the arena, determined to avenge the murders of his family and the emperor. Maximus carried numerous items in his arsenal during his ambitious struggle, including his famous Gladiator Sword, Shield and Spear. HS Blades ENT. present to you its unique range of Gladiator Swords, inspired from the movie as well as historical roman culture. These swords are forged from high quality steels like high carbon steel, damascus & spring steel. These swords not only fulfill the essence and purpose of a Roman Gladiator sword but also keep the aesthetic details preserved in the most exquisite way. Further, customizations and custom orders are also accepted. If you cannot find an item, please reach us through our 24/7 Live Chat Support or email us your queries with item name/picture. For any other queries and questions, please feel free to contact us through the above channels or through contact tab or on our social media accounts. Link to some FAQs is given in the footer.

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